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Bugs with state companies

Tactician Beta
  • Closed

I've worked several times today in this company:  but I get no new stock available to sell.

Two days ago, I tried working in this company: . I applied for Tier 3 - Antibiotics production, but I got a message saying the company does not have enough chemicals, which is not true because the available amount for production is 4,999.21


UPDATE: The companies mentioned above are state companies. State companies don't work properly at all. When I work in any of them, apparently I produce items according to the report, but when I look for the new stock to sell, it shows 0 stock.

UPDATE 2: State companies don't recognize what the company has in order to produce. Instead, they use the raw materials from the national stockpile. All new stockpile goes directly to the national stockpile and is not available to sell directly from the company. There's only stock available to sell directly from the company if this was produced before the game update affecting this feature.

[BO] BOOKS Estatal.PNG

Tier 1 - Magazine.PNG

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  • Developers

If you have access to the CEO Manager for these companies, you should be able to disable these features by editing the company and unticking "Use RM Stockpile" and "Fill Stockpile".

Information about the status of these two features is now displayed on the CEO Manager for state-owned companies.

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